Thursday, January 3, 2013


well today is day three and i must admit it was harder to pick up my camera today.  we didn't do anything special and nothing jumped out at me that said, "photograph me".  while making dinner, i grabbed my son and asked him to lay on our wood floor so i could get some shots in.  he complied without much fuss. :)


  1. Handsome boy! What kind of light was in the room? Those are some interesting catch lights.

  2. Cute little guy & great shot! I am curious as to what the lighting was in the room as well.

  3. I love your project 365 pictures so far, you are great at getting awesome shots of your kids! I especially love how you caught the light in his eyes in this one!

  4. it was taken in my kitchen where there are can lights on the ceiling. i didn't use the flash and there wasn't any natural light.

  5. Very cute for not being so inspired! I agree, I'm realizing on only day three that this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. Good luck! I'll be following you!

  6. He is as cute as could be!! ~ love the light in his eyes, too.
