Tuesday, January 1, 2013


i've been tossing around the idea of doing a project 365 for years now but have never committed to it. i've decided to take the challenge in 2013 but i'm making this as low pressure as possible. i know there will be days that i miss and i'm okay with that (hopefully not many)! i'm hoping this will help me to learn the ins and outs of my new camera and help me focus on the every day moments with my family and friends. life is short and i don't want to remember it just for the big things, but the every day things.
so here is my first image of the year! today we played outside in the snow and enjoyed some hot chocolate when we came in.  love my boy!



  1. Such a precious photo!

  2. Very sweet picture! He is adorable. - You've been away from your blog about as long as I have! Here's to us both having a fabulous year of daily posts :). Happy New Year.

  3. So sweet! I look forward to following along with you on this project & keeping up with my own! :)
