Thursday, February 28, 2013


i'm a teacher so i've conducted parent teacher conferences 100's of times.  however, today was the first time i was on the other side of the conference and it felt a little strange.  i mean, i think my kid is pretty great, but you never know what a teacher sees.  many times it's different from what a parent sees! thankfully, we were told our son is ready for kindergarten! yeah! to celebrate him and all his hard work, we let him decide where he wanted to eat supper.  of course, he picked DQ. 
kenna was upset because i wouldn't let her drink my tea.  i just love it when she does this.  although, it will be stop being cute eventually! 
here's the star waiting for his food! we are so thankful for this little boy!  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


kenna helped herself to a late afternoon snack.  what a little stinker!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013


 after promising to be better, this is where my camera sat all day.  i realized i hadn't picked it up as i crawled into bed. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


i never thought i would enjoy having a tv in my bedroom but we recently put one in there. i must say i've  become a big fan. i also am becoming a big fan of the show parenthood. i'm watching the first season on netflix and am enjoying it.  i rarely watch tv, so this might be a little dangerous!
i hope to do better this week with getting out the real camera.  i've been being a little lazy and shooting at the last minute with my camera phone.  i also have been really bad about editing my pictures that i do take with the big camera.  here's to a better week!

Friday, February 22, 2013


today was the first time we had snow that was good enough to make a snowman.  john and greyson played outside for hours.  they rode the fourwheeler, shoveled the sidewalk, and built the snowman.  they were so proud.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


i was in bed when i realized i hadn't taken a picture for the day so i grabbed my camera phone of the night stand.  it was completely dark so it lit up before taking the picture and my husband was mid laugh, mid, "what are you doing?" funny!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


i heard greyson working in the office.  he was having a great time pretending to call customers just like his daddy.  i just stood at the door and watched him for a while.  he sure picks up on a lot.  

kenna having one of her tantrums. this age is so much fun! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 greyson is taking swim lessons.  he started in january and has them through the end of may.  it's quite the trek to get there from our little town in the middle of nowhere, but it's important that he learns how to swim since we have a pond.  he loves going (besides the drive) and has learned so much already.  can't wait to see what he's capable of in may!

Monday, February 18, 2013


i am on a quest to find curtains for my brother.  since i had the day off i was texting him things i found and sending him pictures. nothing too exciting to share unfortunately.  

Sunday, February 17, 2013


greyson has been working on tying his shoes.  since little sister likes to do everything he does, she insisted she tie my shoes this morning.  of course, she didn't get very far! ;)

Saturday, February 16, 2013


i know this is technically not composed wonderfully, but i still love this image.  he was actually under the water and i was hoping to get him when he came out of the water just a little bit but he came out much faster than i expected.  so this is what i got.  i love that he is flexing his muscles and that you can see the water droplets.  it captures some of his energy that is ever present in his little body!

Friday, February 15, 2013


we're on the road again.  we traveled to indy to see my brothers and to take the kids to an indoor water park since i have a long weekend.  thank you president's day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


happy valentine's day! john usually gets me roses and i asked him not to this year.  don't get me wrong, i love them, but they don't last long.  i rather him save the $80! :) so instead of flowers, he surprised me with a love note.  what a sweetie!
besides, i still got flowers, just not from him. aren't they pretty? one of my sweet students brought them for me.  valentine's day is pretty fun in an elementary school. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


greyson is still obsessed with santa and christmas.  he often pics the night before christmas as his night time story.  he has most of it memorized!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


this was greyson's first year to pass out valentine's.  after he made them for his preschool buddies, he had to do one for his daddy.  he was so excited to give it to him and even hid it behind his back and had the biggest smile when he gave it to him.  what a cutie!

Monday, February 11, 2013


this little man has been serious about exercising.  i just love how his serious he looks in this picture. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


we are working our way through some christmas gifts.  he got this puzzle and we never had opened it.  since he had to take it easy and i didn't want him just watching tv, we did some puzzles and also played his bingo game.   

Saturday, February 9, 2013


i got a new phone today.  it doesn't look like this camera is any better than my last.  however, i did capture kenna doing her "i'm not getting what a want" pose.  she has such a personality.

Friday, February 8, 2013


greyson had some dental work done today.  he had to be put to sleep in order for them to do it.  we spent the rest of the day laying around watching netflix.  he was restless so we let him open another one of his christmas gifts to play with.  he was all smiles!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


this year i've joined a stamp club.  we meet the first thursday of the month.  i look forward to this night because i get to hang out with some great people and do something i enjoy.  we always make three projects.  this was my favorite from tonight's club. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


the kiddos were snuggled together on top of daddy watching a little tv before bed.  they make me smile!

Monday, February 4, 2013


we finally got some snow that covered the grass completely.  we probably have 3-4 inches of snow and that's the most we've had at one time this entire winter.  i knew the kids would want to rush outside as soon as i got home so i brought my boots and heavy coat home from work (i keep it there for recess duty).  we had so much fun.  we went sledding behind the four wheeler, made snow angels, and slid on the ice on our pond.  kenna wore real gloves and was so fascinated that the snow stuck to them.  i caught some sweet faces of my sweet little girl.  greyson even let me take a few of him.  i think he's as handsome as ever too! ;)

Sunday, February 3, 2013


super bowl edition

 we had friends over for the super bowl and had lots of kids running around the basement.  overall a good night with good food and friends! i had my camera phone near by, so this is another quick shot with what i had at the time. i need to better about bringing out the big camera.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


our friends, matt and alicia, asked us to go to our high school's basketball game.  i wasn't planning on going because i knew kenna would not sit still for it.  the hubs talked me into it and i was completely right, it was awful! but what do i expect from an almost 2 year old.  i wish this was a better picture because they all four were dancing like crazy kids while the band was jamming during warm up.  it was too cute and they had quite the audience.  love these kids!