Tuesday, February 28, 2012

click it up a notch february 2010

i have been reading courtney's blog for quite some time but i've never submitted a photo before. i especially love these challenges because it allows me to look back at the pictures that i've captured thoughout the month.  kenna doll was watching her daddy and brother working outside.  she was all smiles!

Click It Up A Notch


  1. What an amazing shot!! I love your aperture choice and boy did you just catch that perfect smile and moment. Great job! =) Wish I could help with the button; I'm also a first timer and having issues myself. =(

  2. When you're editing the post, you should see where it says HTML next to Compose underneath the very top. Switch over to HTML and post the code there. Then switch back to edit the actual post and then update. Courtney told me how to do it. I've never been able to get them to work either!

    By the way, this is a lovely shot! I love the catchlights in her eyes and the focus is dead on. She has such the cutest smile!

    1. thank you so much! it worked and my button frustration is now gone!

  3. Gorgeous eyes! What a happy little girl!

  4. Love the expression! Such a happy baby and a beautifully captured moment in time.

  5. Look at the joy on her face! I love that she is adoringly watching her dad and brother. And look at those catchlights! I'm so glad you shared it and looked back to reflect on your past images!
