1. smile
meet greyson. he's a hoot.
2. stand alone
i had trouble with this one. i guess john deere stands alone in the farming industry. or in my son's toybox! :)
3. something old
i throw everything out that is old or that we don't use on a regular basis. so i had a hard time finding something that was old. however, this is my husband's computer from college (yes, he's been out for more than 10 years). it's definitely old...it still has a floppy disk drive!
4. artificial.
this is grass. artificial grass. happens to be decoration in my living room.
5. repeating pattern.
patterns are everywhere. i couldn't find too many though where the natural light was pouring in. these are the knobs on my son's dresser.
i'm linking up with ashley at ramblings and photos. i can't for the life of me get her button to work. check out her blog!